15-19th Aug 2017: SPAH 54th convention
in Tulsa/Oklahoma...
Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica was
founded in Michigan back in 1963 and that makes 2017 the 54th
anniversary. My 2013 experience was memorable... The staff is working
hard behind for such event. I am extermely happy to be back and
discover as well about Tusla (on the Route 66)...
2017 Convention Informations (About
East 2nd Street Tulsa, OK 74103 at the Hyatt Regency Tulsa Hotel.
For those who don't know how to
Display PDF, lets have a look to the cuurent schedule on
Possible small changes original is here
Don't miss Buzz Krantz, Mike Caldwell,
David Barrett, Jery Devillier, Will Scarlett, Rob Roy Parnell, Grant
Dermody, Cara Cooke, PT Gazell, Ronnie Shellist, Deak Harp, Lonnie Joe
Howell, Adam Gussow, Todd Parrott, Michael Rubin, Dennis "Mr.
Microphone" Oellig, Joe Spiers, Jimi Lee, Richard Sleigh & Connor
Frontera, etc...
I'll be there to make many
pictures and report my second trip to USA back to the SPAH
convention live... Many pictures to come on this page soon...
Don't miss the
traditional Blow-Off:
The Blues Blow-Off, though not an official SPAH function, is quickly
becoming a Tuesday-night SPAH tradition. This year, it will be held at
6pm Tuesday, Aug 15 in the main ballroom of the Downtown Hyatt Regency.
100 E 2nd St, Tulsa, Oklahoma, same hotel as the SPAH convention.
The 2017 International Blues Blowoff -aka the SPAH Blowoff- is once
again bringing a stellar lineup, including a BIG welcome to some worthy
folks making their first appearance. This year's rhythm section
features a former bass player for Taj Mahal and a past drummer with
Eric Clapton... killer players! Watch
this page for more details.
Some nice websites to discover
about Tulsa :
Lets go to Tulsa !