SPAH 2015 Convention Informations (About SPAH)

Crowne Plaza Denver (Colorado) International Airport Hotel.

(For those who don't know how to Display PDF, lets have a look to the schedule given on 06th/08/2015... May have changed a bit in the program that you receive when you arrive)

I was supposed to come back this year, but with the €/$ and a trip cancelled at the very last time in USA one month later...That was too late for me who prefered to stay in the same hotel where the convention takes place. I am sure my friend Robert Koch, Marko Balland are there, and of course Joe and Eric, James Conway?, Winslow of course... I hope you all enjoy as I enjoyed myself in this paradize of the harmonica !!!... ...

Clic over the images to enlarge them

Do not miss the traditional  Blow OFF just the night before the SPAH convention, that takes place HERE : And please post lots of videos and pictures from this event so we can profit even from long distances...

I found few Facebook pages for the actuality, but the more active seems to be here...
Lets share a bit more thanks to people who are used to go there while the convention:

(Thanks to Herb Levin)
(Thanks Buzz Krantz)

For those (like me) who missed this event, Keith Mitchell is sharing his pictures, like every year... Clic here for the trip ! Thank you Keith !!!

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